Our Approach

Our Programs

Our programs are anchored on four key areas to prepare high school students for life after secondary school and success in their careers.

The programs are organized into sessions and workshops at the schools conducted by our facilitators in cooperation with the school administration. Speakers well-versed in the various areas guide the students in interactive sessions, which boost the participants’ self-confidence in addition to preparing them for the future.

Career Pathways

This is the link between a participant’s interests and their preferred career destinations.

Career Planning

What are the steps to take toward achieving your goal?


Majiji Endeavours to Foster an Entrepreneurial mindset building a culture of workforce readiness for all Students.

Mental Health

Given the high statics for the use and access of substances and increasing abuse at an early age, we implemented the substance abuse prevention program for the students.

Career Pathways

This is the link between a participant’s interests and their preferred career destinations.Majiji paves this road by helping the students to identify their strengths and weaknesses. A Pathway will help you acquire the depth of knowledge and skill linked with specific post-secondary programs that will lead to a certificate or degree and/or career.

Participants are provided with information about different careers and mentored through their journey.

Career Planning

What are the steps to take toward achieving your goal? It is never too early to start thinking about the future and get the most out of high school, regardless of which career direction you choose. Based on the student’s interests and experiences, Majiji helps the students create time-bound goals. Participants are also trained in non-academic/soft skills that are priceless for success in any field. These include communication, writing and presentation skills, and teamwork.

Participants are exposed to the importance of work ethics and forming productive networks within their professions. They will have a chance to undertake community service activities within their communities as part of their training.

The scope of career planning expands to cover the mental and physical health of students in high school, including drug addiction prevention and first aid. True success is rooted not only in intellectual intelligence but also a comfortable emotional and social well-being.


Majiji Endeavours to Foster an Entrepreneurial mindset building a culture of workforce readiness for all Students. Our goal is to teach students the critical skills and behaviors of entrepreneurs. Engaging students who are passionate about what they’re doing to create a deeper learning environment.

We partner with teachers, mentors, and other organizations to provide a comprehensive curriculum and support services to help the students develop skills that they can adapt in their environments.

Mental Health

Given the high statics for the use and access of substances and increasing abuse at an early age, we implemented the substance abuse prevention program for the students.

According to NACADA, the age of onset to drugs and substances of abuse marked the period of transition from primary school to secondary school. “The age between 13 to 15 years presented the most critical period for students in secondary schools to initiate drugs”

Interested in our Program?

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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer a wide range of educational programs designed to cater to diverse interests and learning needs. We provide formal academic courses spanning various disciplines, including arts, sciences, technology, and humanities. Additionally, we offer vocational training, skill development workshops, and adult education programs to equip learners with practical skills for employment and personal enrichment.

We are committed to addressing educational disparities by actively engaging with underserved communities. Through partnerships, outreach programs, and scholarships, we ensure that individuals facing financial, social, or geographical challenges have equal access to education.